A non-profit organization

Digital Infrastructure for the Digital State.

"We aim to work with partners and members to guarantee that everyone, including the most marginalized members of society, can benefit from both blockchain and the cryptocurrencies that are potential gateways to new wealth creation.” - (World Economic Forum, mission statement)

Our Work

Merge Works is a non-profit organization building equitable wealth distribution systems using blockchain networks. Focusing donations into securing infrastructure at the "kernel level" of blockchains, we can then leverage network usage to stretch the charitable impact of every dollar donated. Put simply, Merge Works is sustainable, charitable, digital infrastructure for the digital state.

Unlike other non-profit organizations the Merge Works model operates at the “kernel” level. Once initiated, Merge Works does not require successive donations to continue operations, and can instead continue its charitable mission in-perpetuity.

Our Mission

To expand blockchain adoption, ensure the equitable distribution of value from decentralized networks, and inexorably link public infrastructure to the digital platforms of tomorrow.